Mittwoch, 7. November 2007

ORPHAN FAIRYTALE - speaking spooky


The analog hums and blips of orphan fairytale are like a demented amusement park for kids, full of ghosts lurking around every corner. Belgium's Eva Van Deuren (who is also 1/2 of Frozen Corpse w/ Carlo from Audiobot) has been cranking out these solo jams for years. There's something that's as demented as it is captivating. Keyboards are bent and burned, sacrificed to the roaming packs of elves. Eva's voice, though, is the beacon amongst the melodic fog. It's a guiding light that keeps the evil spirits somewhere close, but not too close. Orphan Fairytale will infect you, but it will be the best damn disease you've ever had.

Download here

MAMMAL - fog walkers


great great album by gary beauvais of animaldisguise records
lots of messed up sick retardead and distorted beats if your into industrial you will worship this one

Download here